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NEW ADDITIONS now available for 180 days of Applied Educational Neuroscience

New additions to the 180 Days are now available for purchase.

Visit our store to download your copy.

Please Note: (This document is a supplemental add on to our 180 Days Scope and Sequence, you will need to already have purchased the 180 Days document)

•  10 Additional lessons/practices for educators & students
•  Nervous system aligned practices, presented as mini-lessons
•  Differentiated strategies for all ages
•  Downloadable document to incorporate at own pace
•  Pricing options for individual, school-wide, or district-wide use

We are so excited to share the new practices for the 180 Day Scope and Sequence! These 10 additional lessons / practices are integrated into our procedures, routines, warm-ups, transitions and exits. One lesson can last a week as there is no designated amount of time you need to spend on each one! The intention is to be consistent and predictable with a few minutes each day as you warm up the nervous system so students can access the prefrontal cortex for learning, emotional regulation and strong attention.

These are the practices that Dr. Desautels has integrated into the classroom for the past few years with elementary and secondary students and staff. These additional practices build engagement, dampen down stress responses and activate present moment attention. Feel free to augment or modify these lessons to meet your school or classroom needs. These practices are as much for adults as they are for students as this 180 Days is a ‘touch point’ for adults to join up with students as we become intentional about getting out in front of negative behaviors.

The 180 Days Educational Neuroscience Scope and Sequence is a Tier One Trauma Accommodating framework that supports all students and staff each day.

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