Exploring Neuroscience in Education with Dr. Lori Desautels


Undergraduate, Graduate, Inside the Classroom, and in the community.
Our work explores learning and behavior through brain development, adversity, and resiliency!

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Applied Educational Neuroscience

Butler University is excited to offer the opportunity for educators, counselors, social workers and mental health practitioners to acquire a certificate in Applied Educational Neuroscience with an emphasis on Adversity/Trauma and the Brain through a graduate, non-degree program. *VIRTUAL

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Educational Neuroscience Symposium

2023: September 30th
2024: DATE TBD

The Butler University Educational Neuroscience symposium invites educators, parents, mental health professionals, higher education, pre-service teachers, and all who work with children and youth at this time. 

Educational Neuroscience Symposium
Butler University college of education

Undergraduate Classes

Dr. Desautels teaches courses at Bulter University in Indianapolis, IN. Find out about the courses available for the upcoming semesters here...


Department of Education Social and Emotional Learning

Learner-Centered, Future-Focused Education The DOE's role is to meet every child where they are and ensure they have access to the quality education they need to enjoy lifelong success.


Upcoming Presentations

Dr. Desautels conducts brain institutes and workshops throughout the U.S. Educators, parents, and the community can join us for an upcoming conferences or symposiums in your area to learn to implement tools to help our students. We hope you can mark your calendar and come learn with us this year.

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Our Work in Real Classrooms

How are teachers using this work in their classrooms? Have a story to tell, an experience to share, or have feedback for us from the classroom? Great! We want to showcase the work you are doing and how it is impacting your classroom.

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