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The Author

Lori L. Desautels Ph.D.

There has never been a more significant time in education re-visioning… a far deeper and broader view than “reform.” Teacher education is changing and the learning opportunities are growing across the nation. Our students are teaching us about the power of connection, emotions, and the impact of emotional and social triggers for both child and adult! Sustainable change occurs from the bottom up and everywhere I look and present and sit beside educators, students and schools, I am seeing this!


Cover illustration of Body and Brain Brilliance by Lori Desautels

Body and Brain Brilliance

A Manual to Cultivate Awareness and Practices for our Nervous System

About Body and Brain Brilliance

Body and Brain Brilliance

A Manual to Cultivate Awareness and Practices for our Nervous System

Body and Brain Brilliance provides daily practices for educators and students to begin embodying the skills through practical activities that are supported by co-regulatory practices and nervous system warm-ups and applications. This trauma-accommodating Tier One framework, rooted in the relational and social neurosciences along with Polyvagal Theory, strengthens the awareness and understanding of how our nervous system functions, adapts, and protects us so that we can sense, feel, and learn through the adversities and lived experiences while embracing negative emotions in our lives. Negative emotions are our navigation or GPS (global positioning system) signaling where we are inside our nervous system and what we need to reduce the anxiety, tension, or angst we might be experiencing. This framework is not just about emotional regulation; it also assists our children and youth in becoming aware and in touch with how they are sensing, feeling, and reacting to big emotions. The goal is not regulation. The goal is recognizing when we feel dysregulated and disconnected from ourselves and those around us. When we recognize our sensations, which comprise the language of the nervous system, then we can attune to the practices, people, and places that feel steadying and supportive. Our sensory and emotional realities, and the behaviors that show up through these emotional experiences, do not fit inside a box, a behavioral plan, or a protocol. They are as individualized as our fingerprints.

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Intentional Neuroplasticity

Moving Our Nervous Systems and Educational System Toward Post-Traumatic Growth

About Intentional Neuroplasticity

Intentional Neuroplasticity

Moving Our Nervous Systems and Educational System Toward Post-Traumatic Growth

ewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline


Educator fatigue and burnout are at an all-time high. Students are carrying their mental and emotional exhaustion into the classroom.

Intentional Neuroplasticity explores the plasticity of the brain and nervous system, while learning how adversity and trauma impact a student’s developing nervous system to affect behaviors–which ultimately changes the way educators approach discipline and engagement.

Neuroplasticity is more than the latest and greatest buzzword-when educational practitioners are informed and encouraged to share this dynamic, miraculous superpower of human potentiality, both teachers and children understand why they feel the way they do, and how feelings and thoughts impact their mood, motivation, and engagement. When we empower and relieve our nervous systems with the language of science and deepened understanding of why we sense, feel, and behave the ways we do, we are preparing for a lifetime of possibility through the knowledge of brain and body architecture and plasticity.

With the growing body of research in relational and affective neuroscience, our schools can benefit and serve the whole student as we prioritize the nervous system by addressing the embodied experiences, generational and historical trauma, and the stories they hold.

Lori Desautels is a teacher, not a neuroscientist-she knows that the translations and applications from the affective, developmental, social, and relational neuroscience research are critical to educational practitioners now more than ever. No one could have been prepared for the emotional and social losses, challenging behaviors, and dysregulation that are impacting the well-being of our students during the past few years-our collective nervous systems feel the tension and unrest. Intentional Neuroplasticity: Moving Our Nervous Systems and Educational System Toward Post-Traumatic Growth can provide educators cutting-edge information, practices, tools, and exercises to regulate and empower themselves and their students for resiliency and success!

Published by Wyatt-MacKenzie

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Connections Over Compliance

Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline

About Connections Over Compliance

Connections Over Compliance

Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline


The developing brains of our children need to “feel” safe.

Children who carry chronic behavioral challenges are often met with
reactive and punitive practices that can potentially reactivate the developing stress response systems.

This book deeply addresses the need for co-regulatory and relational touch point practices, shifting student-focused behavior management protocols to adult regulated brain and body states which are brain aligned, preventive, and relational discipline protocols. This new lens for discipline benefits all students by reaching for sustainable behavioral changes through brain state awareness rather than compliance and obedience.

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eyes are never quiet- book

Eyes Are Never Quiet

Listening Beneath the Behaviors of Our Most Troubled Students 

ABOUT Eyes Are Never Quiet

Eyes Are Never Quiet

Listening Beneath the Behaviors of Our Most Troubled Students 


The eyes of troubled youth are communicating in all moments.

Hurt people hurt people. Our children can become violent, detached, or shut down when early development is toxic, severely disrupted and is met with significant adverse childhood experiences. Children are our nation’s greatest natural resource and their emotional, mental and physiological well-being are at stake.

What can we do? We begin with the awareness and research that adversity just doesn’t happen to a child — it attacks and hijacks a child’s brain, body and nervous system function reprograming how they react and respond to all life. For educators, counselors, social workers, mental health professionals and law enforcement—this book presents the neurobiology of adversity and trauma in youth and the resiliency of hope and mindfulness … and how to help.

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Published by Wyatt-MacKenzie

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Unwritten, The Story of a Living System

Listening Beneath the Behaviors of Our Most Troubled Students 

ABOUT Unwritten, The Story of a Living System

Unwritten, The Story of a Living System

A Pathway to Enlivening and Transforming Education


There’s never been a more chaotic and tenuous time in our nation’s educational story. Learning is the most natural thing human beings do. Yet, it seems the “harder” we work in schools helping our students to acquire the learning they need, the academic performances stay stagnant or lessen. Schools are not machines. Schools are a network of human beings who feel, think, behave, and function within a human system that is alive and never static. Schools are living systems! This system is wired to thrive, even through difficult times

— We believe that we can begin to create wholeness and connection within our schools mindfully and by design. We can create places where all children thrive.

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Published by Wyatt-MacKenzie

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How May I Serve You?

Revelations in Education

ABOUT How May I Serve You?


Revelations in Education


Is there a career, social scenario, skill, or relationship that education does not impact? Education touches all our lives. When we ignore the implications schools affect in our daily existence, we narrow the possibilities, ignore the limitations, the creative and sometimes negative thoughts and feelings we subconsciously contribute inside our students’ and children’s lives.

Who was your favorite teacher? What did he say to you? What look on her face do you remember? These remembrances are how we begin to revert back to the basics in education. It is not reading, writing, and math skills drilled into our heads. We remember the emotional connections, the relationships or lack thereof from those individuals who served us well or those who did not acknowledge who we really were and are. When did we begin to take the soul, our inner voice, out of education, our businesses and relationships? Isn’t education the hub of all professions, skilled labors, global businesses, economics, mental, emotional, political and medicinal health relationships and practices?

This book is about five words that can create a tsunami of positive emotion, and therefore genuinely affect the relationships between educators, parents, colleagues and students. How may I serve you, can be stated in a variety of ways, igniting an open response from the one who is struggling. What do you need? How can I help you? What would be best for you? Dialogues begin, hearts open, and deep listening starts to unravel misunderstandings of angry, bored, and frustrated individuals trying to cope in schools and in life! This book is an experiment, an expansion of perspective because when we genuinely ask what another needs, we are showered with understanding, a novel view of tenuous situation and abundance in relationship and self-esteem we never realized we needed and desired.

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Publisher: Park East Press, New York, NY

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