Exploring Neuroscience in Education with Dr. Lori Desautels

Poetry from Highschool Students and Teacher, Joel Thomas



A  Fable written by Drew Mack, 

North Central Highschool

Indianapolis IN 



 Hestia is my name, although I may seem plain, you must not be fooled by my looks.

 I am a strong girl, stronger than they all thought.

 It took a while; I will not lie, for the others, to see my light.

 My strength isn’t in numbers, how much weight I can lift, how many friends I have, or toys I get. My strength is the strongest kind, a fire that burns inside.

It lies behind my falsely plain eyes.

After days and weeks, months to years I started to wonder how they could not see,

the fire, the light; inside of me.

I ran down mountains, swam all the seas, flew with the butterflies, watched the growing seeds.

My strength is your power, your beauty, your soul

I know it will get hard, so I took a little from your plentiful bowl

Always ready to share

Hold my hand for a friend, Hug me for comfort

I’ll laugh when you joke, Listen when you speak

You are strong, stronger than me

So I took a little of your strength, to tend to and care

I’ll let it grow, deep in my heart, fair and square

And when you need it back, it’s a breeze

Just close your wonderful eyes and give me a tight squeeze

The Power of Our Love reaches across Time and Dreams

By Gabriel Gyrellico Cerberus

I will not cheapen my Love by comparing her to flowers;

No, to me, her scent is far sweeter.

I will not compare her worth to a gem;

She is not an object: I will not place on her monetary value.

Her Value to me is much more meaningful.

I am willing to fight to defend her honor

But I will never view her as a trophy

I will never view her as a prize to be fought over and won

She is much more than that.

While her beauty can get a reaction

Out of the most stoic man

I am attracted to her soul

It is her inner power that draws me to her.

Her aura flows around me

Cool and calming like the sea                                                                                                         

But beneath that calm serenity lays a hidden danger.

Her flame ignites the fire within me,

And I find myself wanting

Ain’t the Same

By: Brenden Shelton

Now a days things ain’t the same.

People change.

Like street lights and open areas in graves.

Now a days green lights steady change.

To red, we steady see the end of our day.

Not the night time.

But divorced from our life line.

Yellow light means a steady pace.

The world belongs to the children of today.

The young maid wishes her life to change.

She’s living behind a yellow light but soon it will change.

One day she’ll see green and the pain will no longer remain.

She will have all the fortune and fame.

There is a lot of knowledge in that brain.

For now on she can play games.

And have fun cause nothing is the same.

As previous days.

Nobody knows my language.

I find it complicated to have a conversation.

Cause my poetry has meaning that is so amazing.

When you want good poetry it only comes on occasion.

Feeling for you

By Jahkeem Keeton

I know don’t think you love

I don’t feel the love for me is within you

I hate that you talk about me

Saying things about me that aren’t true

Soon you will pay for your mistakes

When I am gone and out of your life

When I leave don’t be sad

Because you caused this to happen

My heart loves but my mind hates

Which should I believe

Should I think about loving

Or should I just love

When you wrap your arms around me

I feel warm and protected

Having the feeling of protection when you hold me tightly

 The sounds of your voice

You telling me you love me

So should we be together

If your love is in my heart

Dreaming Big Is Harmless

By Jeremiah Tate

I imagine a place of complete silence…

Police cars cease to exist because people don’t murder

Enemies are a forgotten past because gun shots murmur

Racism is no more because we are in this together

And those depressing, rainy days become bright, sunny weather

I imagine a world of religious guidance…

Poor is no longer a state of mind because we believe

Addicts don’t grieve because the narcotics leave

Sins are washed away and rarely return

Because family becomes our only major concern

I imagine a place of no worries…

Next month’s rent is never dreaded.

And years of debt can finally be shredded

Everyone is employed because jobs are abundant,

Leading to exploration ending days that are redundant.

High above reality dreaming up another earth,

Wishing I could be there; a mind rebirth.

Even though reality stops my fantasy’s existence.

As long as I dream big,

It will gain persistence.

Dreaming…is believing.

Quiet Storm

By Jeremiah Tate

Our love is the ocean…

So quiet, tranquil, calm

But yet so unpredictable

As we drift along without purpose,

So many problems waiting just over the horizon,

Sometimes the moon causes our relationship to climax,

Causing a sudden rage of destruction,

Devastation so unimaginable,

But no regrets.

No explanation to why.

We watch memories pass over

Like a terrible storm

Myriads of watery graves..

In the bottomless abyss

We’re uncontrollable, unbalanced

Drowning in the arguments,

Falling deeper into the dark, struggle

Deeper into depression

Where we lose sight and hearing,

like plunging into a pool of water

 of sad, sudden silence

Our eyes fall back,

as we take one last look

at the peaceful harmony we shared

Slowly drifting apart as we perish,

Falling deeper, deeper

And deeper.


Joel Thomas, Teacher

Let’s go back and be


Burn Computers

Unmoved civil rights,

Undestroy Dresden.

De-liberate women

Forget voting

Have Edison lose the light.

Declare our dependence, make

All men created unequal.

Give us the rights to

Death, slavery, and the pursuit of misery.

Unrape the Native Americans

And their land.

While we’re at it…

Unland on Pride Rock,

Undrop Pride Rock from on Africa,

Unsplit the church,

Unseek the Holy Grail,

Uncrusade the Holy Land,

Uncricify the Holy One,

Unconquor the Middle East.

Do it again,

And again.

And again.

Are we to the Babylonians yet?

Dry out the great flood,

And un-eat knowledge.

Almost there…

Unbang the universe.

Until all we’re left with is

The sucking sound a straw makes

When the lemonade we’ve made

From these Lemons is gone.

And we’re left,

Waiting for the waiter

To give us something less tart.

Roller Coaster

By Kenya Miles

Love is like a roller coaster ride.

You stand around waiting in line,

The whole time wondering is this even worth the wait.

But you’re really working up the nerve to get on.

So you’ve decided to ride.

You get butterflies once you get in, and haven’t even moved yet.

Before you know it, it starts to move,

That’s when you realize it’s too late to get off,

But do you want to.

You’re having fun its exciting

You’re moving fast, yeah it’s a bit bumpy but you don’t mind.

You see the first hill ahead,

You think to yourself how beautiful it looks from the view,

You feel as though you’re on top of the world, never noticing the drop ahead.

Until you fall.

You feel it in the pit of your stomach, it makes you sick.

You curse, you pray, you cry, you scream to get off.

You pull up to the platform, and BAM! It’s over. Just like that!

As you exit the very thing that made you wait around, laugh, took you high and dropped you,

All you’re thinking is, “I wanna do it again!”


Stania Rae

Music at times is a hard thing to deal with

All of the instruments, notes, beats and lyrics

It’s always easy when you begin the process

All fun and a smile that looked like it ran for miles and miles.

But once you get over that period of lust everything seems entirely different from what it was

The notes that once sounded so beautifully

Now have you trying to figure out what else there is to play

Seems like the music is becoming more irrelevant

Trying to remember when you last felt this beat in your heart

Why this music appealed to you from the start

The music that once made you light up

Is now the music that makes you want to give up?

Give up on music

Give up on instruments

Maybe even give up on rhythm

The lyrics that were once so sweet and loving

Are now speaking awful and bitter words that leave you wanting nothing

Wanting nothing more to do with music

Or nothing but to be left alone

The chorus has been changed

Those sweet lyrics are no longer the same

The notes you once had

Have become a faded memory of the past

The rhythm you once danced to

Is now like gum on the bottom of your shoe

The kind that’s been there for a while and melts on a hot summer’s day

So even when you try it’s hard to walk away.

Sad to say things never stay the same,

The lyrics once spoken can easily be changed.

So when you begin new music,

After the last beat decided to walk out of your life.

Remember music is going to be a hard thing to deal with,

Especially instruments, notes, beats and lyrics

2 Sides to Death’s Coin

By: DeVon Walker


to some, sweet

as honey.

Many cannot go through this life,

seeing the starved,

thin, unfortunate.

The poverty-stricken


Cause them much discomfort.

They do not wish

To leave this world poor and hungry.


So, they kill

Themselves through



Botox, and make up.

They all soon look the


Surgery to look “more beautiful”

Eventually leads them to their


Seeing as they decide to starve themselves

To look perfect in everyone else’s eyes.


To many, sour

As lemon.

Losing loved ones

Is like losing parts of


Heartbeats slow,

Breathing becomes


Tears flow like

Salty, bitter



Replace the sweetest


Just like movie


Smiles change

As the body

Of one’s parent

Fades away,


Stania Rae

Music at times is a hard thing to deal with

All of the instruments, notes, beats and lyrics

It’s always easy when you begin the process

All fun and a smile that looked like it ran for miles and miles.

But once you get over that period of lust everything seems entirely different from what it was

The notes that once sounded so beautifully

Now have you trying to figure out what else there is to play


Seems like the music is becoming more irrelevant

Trying to remember when you last felt this beat in your heart

Why this music appealed to you from the start

The music that once made you light up

Is now the music that makes you want to give up?

Give up on music

Give up on instruments

Maybe even give up on rhythm


The lyrics that were once so sweet and loving

Are now speaking awful and bitter words that leave you wanting nothing

Wanting nothing more to do with music

Or nothing but to be left alone

The chorus has been changed

Those sweet lyrics are no longer the same

The notes you once had

Have become a faded memory of the past

The rhythm you once danced to

Is now like gum on the bottom of your shoe

The kind that’s been there for a while and melts on a hot summer’s day

So even when you try it’s hard to walk away.


Sad to say things never stay the same,

The lyrics once spoken can easily be changed.

So when you begin new music,

After the last beat decided to walk out of your life.

Remember music is going to be a hard thing to deal with,

Especially instruments, notes, beats and lyrics



Love Shouldn’t Hit

Jasmine rowan

Love shouldn’t hit

Why do you hit me

Why do you beat me everyday and every nite

You say u love me

You clam you mii baby

You say you want to marry me

When I don’t do what you say

You get very mad

If were in public

You wont do anything

But wen were at home or behind close doorz

You treat me lik a whore

You force me to do things to you that I don’t at all

If I refuse to do them

You abuse me

So theres one more thing I have to say

Do you really love me

Or do u love the fact that you can abuse me

Day n nite


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