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Endorsement from Michael Bernard Beckwith

Lori Desautels shares a new  vision for  our  education system that looks beyond its four walls and   politics  directly into the hearts,  minds, and lives of our  children.   She takes education in a transformative direction that  addresses  the urgency of our education system’s current challenges offering   intelligent, wise, skillful models whose cost is our willingness to  apply them  in order to deliver authentic education to our children and  our  world.

Michael Bernard Beckwith
author of Spiritual   Liberation~Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential



An endorsement is an affirmation for an author who believes in the words of his or her story as a vehicle to touch the lives of others… My hope is that this story, though not new, but ancient in its content,  will assist all of us who parent and work with children and adolescents to see their potential, strengths and goodness no matter what the words, actions ot behaviors convey. Whether we create more standards, evluate teachereffectiveness, student growth, add additional charter schools, close public schools or buy into the promises of those who have “the” answer… we must return to the holistic landscape of a system that is begging and bleeding for a change of heart and mind.



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