25 Brain Friendly Strategies for Educators
1. Music alters brain chemistry. It can be used to energize, calm, or increase effective
functioning on tasks. It can be used as a call back, as a timer, a transition, or to
constructively increase suspense or tension.
2. Start class sessions with a greeting, an overview, or some other class ritual.
3. Begin each class session with meaningful information and activities rather than
taking attendance, making announcements, or doing other “housekeeping” chores.
4. Create positive expectations by framing activities properly. Tell students what’s in it
for them. For example, “Today you’re going to learn about determining the main
idea, a comprehension skill that will help you be more successful in virtually every
course you take in college.”
5. Whenever possible, give students a choice so that locus of control remains with
them. This is especially important to adult learners. For example: “Which would you
rather do next?” “How would you prefer to proceed?” “Would you rather list the
main points or draw a concept map?” “Which item would you like for us to do
together as an example?” Choice lowers stress and triggers the release of good
brain chemicals.
6. The brain links all new learning to existing knowledge, so start with the known, from
the knowledge and information students already possess. If necessary, supply or
help them obtain the background knowledge they need. Check to see what they
already know or understand. Doing this enables students to be more successful
from the start, and it’s motivating to students to start with a no-fail activity.
7. Pose a problem for students to solve. For example, ask them, “Can you figure this
out?” or “What would happen if…?” The brain grows by trying to solve problems,
and not by having the correct answer. The goal is to find the level of “doable
challenge,” right at the edge of what they can do. Things that are too easy or
already known bore students; things that are too hard merely frustrate them.
Neither situation is conducive to learning.
8. Use novelty in the way you present material. The brain craves novelty, so use
game formats (even better, have students create some of them); pair or group
students in novel ways; impose an appropriate, but slightly challenging time limit;
use props, costumes, music, and so forth.
9. Use sound: It might be music, story telling, tapes, “talk-alouds” that reveal the
mental processing the person is doing, oral repetition, or sound effects (a train
whistle, chimes). Vary your own voice tone, volume, and rate of speaking.
10. Use color. Use it on transparencies. Use colored markers on the white board.
Have students use color when making concept maps. Have students use two
different color highlighters, such as pink for the topic and yellow for the stated main
idea sentence. Print tests and other important handouts on colored paper.
11. Use collaborative and cooperative learning techniques. Move from individual to
pairs/small group to whole class debriefing. For students to make the information
theirs, they need to discuss it or explain it to someone else. Cooperative learning
appeals to adults, who learn well from each other. Also, young adults, especially
“Millennials,” are used to working together in teams, and they feel supported and
comfortable in a group context. Cooperative learning is brain-friendly because the
brain is inherently social. Moreover, if structured properly, this learning strategy can
provide the safety, novelty, and challenge the brain craves. Familiarize yourself with
this approach: There’s much more to it than just putting students in groups!
12. Move from familiar contexts to new/unfamiliar contexts. For example, in a reading class
move from inferences based on interpreting cartoons and song lyrics to inferences
based on written material. Also, for maximum understanding, students need
opportunities to apply the same skill in a variety of contexts.
13. Initially, accept all responses without comment, other than to verify that you
recorded their response accurately. Simply ask, “Anything else?” With cooperative
learning strategies, students typically begin to self-correct as they proceed.
14. Incorporate humor. It’s a great stress reducer; it boosts the immune system; it
enhances alertness and memory by increasing the flow of neurotransmitters.
Include a funny story, a joke, or a cartoon in class or on a test. Start class with a
short joke, one you tell or one a class member tells (screen students’ jokes first!).
Gives students two minutes to share a joke with a small group. Make the
guidelines clear as to the type of jokes that are appropriate.)
15. Use movement. For example, you can have students stretch, stand up (it increases
oxygen to the brain), move into different groups, do some cross-lateral movements,
raise their hands or hold up answer cards in response to questions. Remind students
to take a few deep breaths, too.
16. Have students evaluate their own learning and processing. Do this in a variety of
ways, such as those described under informal classroom assessment techniques
in the “Other Techniques” section on this website.
17. Review often, and make review an ongoing part of what you do. Students rarely
get it right the first time, so don’t expect them to. For a host of reasons, the typical
student gets about 50-70% of what the teacher says; in fact, 80% of students learn
better other ways than by hearing. Students need repetition and multiple learning trials
followed by lots of review. To review, use concept maps, cloze procedure,
inner circle-outer circle, pairs review, etc.
18. Develop, or have students develop, classroom rituals. These can pertain the way
students greet each other at the start of class or the way you end class, for
example. The social climate of the classroom matters. It affects brain chemistry,
which affects mindset, and one’s sense of safety and well-being. These, in turn,
influence cognition, which affects interest, motivation, and recall.
19. Use positive affirmations. Have students give them to each other (“Turn to
someone close to you, give each other a high-five, and say, ‘We made it!’”). Say
them in class and have students repeat them; include encouraging comments on
tests (“You can do it!”) and handouts. Post these statements around the room
above eye level. Students see them and they register, even through students may
not be consciously aware of it.
20. Let students bring bottled water to class. Remind them to drink lots of water so
that they are properly hydrated and so that their brains can function efficiently. (The
brain consists of a higher percentage of water than any other organ.) Too little
water contributes to lethargy and inattention. Inadequate water intake raises blood
pressure and increases the production of certain stress hormones.
21. Capitalize on the power of scent since smell affects the limbic area, which is
responsible for attention. Peppermint and citrus fragrances stimulate the brain;
lavender is calming. (Watch for students who have allergies, however!) Right
before class, lightly mist the room with a spritzer bottle that contains 16 ounces of
distilled water, one half-teaspoon of essential oil (available at health food stores),
and one ounce of vodka (makes the solution last longer and disperse better).
Shake the bottle before spritzing it. Along these same lines, keep (sugarless)
peppermint and/or lemon hard candies in the room. Sucking on one of these while
learning material and then while taking a test over the material can help trigger
recall of the material. Encourage students to experiment with this at home.
22. Avoid using any form of threat, such as harsh comments, sarcasm, putting
students on the spot, embarrassing them, imposing unrealistic deadlines, giving
pop quizzes, and praising students before they do something. The use of threats is
damaging, literally. It causes the adrenal glands to release cortisol, which affects
the brain and the rest of the body. Chronic stress impairs thinking, memory,
creativity, the ability to perceive patterns, and the ability to solve complex problems
and understand connections. It causes students to have difficulty sorting out what
is important. Their immune system, vision, self-esteem, and achievement are
compromised. Too much perceived threat causes feelings of helplessness, which
can be paralytic. It can make students anxious, depressed, and restless. It’s not
good for them, and it only makes sense not to create problems for yourself.
23. Incorporate appropriate emotion since it drives attention and, therefore, affects
learning. Incorporate role-playing, music, celebrations, and things that surprise or
build anticipation. Share relevant personal experiences and connections.
24. Provide feedback at least every 30 minutes. It can come from you, from
classmates, from computer-assisted instruction, by having students use a checklist
or some other evaluative rubric to assess their own work, and self-correcting
25. Post a “you are here map” on the wall so that students can see the big picture of
how the course topics are sequenced or see the sequence of steps in a procedure.
For important material, always let students know what is coming next so that by the
time you get there, they’re expecting it and it sounds familiar
Provided by Dr. Janet Elder