Exploring Neuroscience in Education with Dr. Lori Desautels

Eyes Are Never Quiet, Listening Beneath the Behaviors of Our Most Troubled Students

by: Lori L. Desautels, Ph.D. and Michael McKnight, M.A.      

The eyes of troubled youth are communicating in all moments.
Hurt people hurt people.  Our children can become violent, detached, or shut down when early development is toxic, severely disrupted and is met with significant adverse childhood experiences.  Children are our nation’s greatest natural resource and their emotional, mental and physiological well-being are at stake.

What can we do? We begin with the awareness and research that adversity just doesn’t happen to a child — it attacks and hijacks a child’s brain, body and nervous system function reprogramming how they react and respond to all life.  For educators, counselors, social workers, mental health professionals and law enforcement—this book presents the neurobiology of adversity and trauma in youth and the resiliency of hope and mindfulness … and how to help.


(Click on the Links to download Files)

  1. All Applied Educational Neuroscience Resources Documents – Contributor: Becky Pokrandt
  2. 100 Days of Educational Neuroscience – Contributor: Ms Deanna Nibarger
  3. Lesson Plans – Inside Out – Contributors:  Sara Midura and Mary Kate Daniels
  4. Adversity Survey – Student – Contributor: Courtney Boyle
    Adversity Survey- School District – Contributor: Courtney Boyle
  5. Research in Educational Neuroscience – Contributor: Dr. Shelia Dennis
    Dennis – Dissertation Chapter 5 Analysis and Discussion
    Integrative Model for Applied EN 7.18.18 – Dennis Dissertation

Eyes Are Never Quite Study Reading Guide

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