Our downloadable MTSS | AEN protocol is a program training and evaluation tool designed to assist educators in fully integrating nervous system science into our educational practices through the four tenents of MTSS:
• Discipline
• SEL-Social and Emotional Learning
• Academic Preparation
• and Community Resources
This resource is filled with culture and climate surveys, tools, and practices to access the cortex for deeper learning, and discipline practices addressing connection and co-regulation. We are so inspired and eager to share this unique partnership of Applied Educational Neuroscience [AEN] with Multi-Tiered Systems of Support [MTSS] that provide resources and applications to enhance all tiers of support in our classrooms, schools, and districts.
Your purchase provides you with a DIGITAL PDF file (download & save to your computer) that is designed as a tiered informational chart divided into 4 categories [Nervous System Relational Discipline, RTi Social & Emotional Learning, Academic RTi, and Community]. Each color box represents a new resource, click on each box to access the resource.
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