180 days of Applied Educational Neuroscience: Scope and Sequence-Original


  Lessons and Resources for Educators & Students
  Brain-aligned practices, presented as mini-lessons
 Differentiation strategies for all ages
  Downloadable document to incorporate at own pace
  Pricing options for individual, school-wide, or district-wide use (entire district pricing available and will fluctuate based on the size of the district. Please inquire at brain@revelationsineducation.com)


SKU: 180 Days-ORIGINAL Category:


180 Days

The 180 days of Applied Educational Neuroscience: Scope and Sequence toolkit is for educators, therapists, counselors, social workers, mental health practitioners and students.  This toolkit serves to explore and apply the emergent social and affective neurosciences through the Applied Educational Neuroscience framework and the Polyvagal Theory into our school and community cultures.  We do this as we build it into what we already do: procedures, transitions, rituals and routines.


•  Brain-aligned practices, presented as mini-lessons with differentiated strategies for all ages
•  Downloadable PDF document to incorporate at desired pace
•  Pricing options available for individual use, school-wide use, or district-wide use(pricing for districts fluctuates based on size, inquire about pricing at brain@revelationsineducation.com) 


Developed to support social and emotional learning through the lens of neuroscience, this Scope and Sequence document is intended for adults and students as we collectively learn how our nervous systems adjust to adversity, mitigate stress, and learn deeply, along with the mechanisms that drive engagement, behaviors, resiliency, and social and emotional growth and health.

This scope and sequence is not a program with a script. It is intended to be integrated each day as a part of our procedures and transitions, whether that is bell work, morning meetings, advisory classes, or when needed during transitions or difficult days.   It is a supportive resource to prepare the nervous system for learning by engaging with one another through brain-aligned practices that are presented as mini-lessons with differentiated strategies for all ages. Most social and emotional learning programs are only targeting student success and are implemented as skills to be taught for 20- 30 minutes each day.  This scope and sequence is support for our staff who work beside children and youth. We hope that these mini-lessons will be shared before staff meetings, department meetings, PLCs, and grade-level discussions. There is no one correct way to integrate this course. One day could be a week-long if you only have a few minutes during a particular week. We hope that this scope and sequence brings a common language to your classroom, school, or district and that together we will strengthen our understanding of why we feel, sense, and behave the ways we do when our experiences are challenging or celebratory.

Outcomes For Staff and Students

•  Students, educators, and mental health practitioners will discover through discussion and practice what lies beneath behaviors as we explore the nervous system and its hierarchical states impacted by toxic levels of stress and accumulating adversity in the brain and body (How can we weave this scope and sequence into our content, such as reading, math, social sciences, and language arts?) (How can we modify this scope and sequence for our EL’s?)

•  Students, educators, and mental health practitioners will identify practices that feel regulating and anchoring as they begin to access the cortex where we learn, emotionally regulate, pay attention, focus and hold the potential for strong working memory.

•  Students, educators, and mental health practitioners will begin to meet the needs of diverse learners through a variety of resources that address nervous system states and the connection to sensations, feelings, and behaviors. These resources and practices tap into our identities, interests, passions and emotional and social growth and development.

We will continue to augment this scope and sequence each year with the applications of the most recent social, relational, and cognitive neurosciences. We will also be providing feedback surveys so we can continue to meet the needs of educators and students.


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