If you paid by Purchase Order/Check, these instructions will guide you through accessing/downloading your purchase of the 180 Days of Educational Neuroscience. Please complete the steps below to become a registered user.
1. ONE ADMIN/REGISTERED USER: With this option, only ONE individual will complete the registration on our website to download document, save to computer, and distribute to all other users in the method of choice (by email, placing on your school/district document resource, etc.) The admin will need to share/communicate any important messages sent from us to all district users.
2. ALL USERS REGISTER/DOWNLOAD OWN COPY: With this option, all individuals will register as a user on our website and manage their account with their own username/password. This allows each user to directly access the document from multiple computers/phones at any time, get notifications directly from us on any important updates or additions, and request a record of which of your staff has downloaded/using their copy. Just forward these below instructions to all district emails, and allow each user to register.
Provided by Revelations In Education. Your code will be available to you once a PO is approved and check is mailed. Email us at resources@revelationsineducation.com if you have questions.
Included with your purchase are 3 one-hour zoom evenings with Dr. Lori Desautels to delve into these practices, answer questions, share new ideas and receive feedback!
Join Zoom Meeting: https://butleru.zoom.us/j/94762929283
Meeting ID: 947 6292 9283
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Dr. Lori Desautels | Neuroscience in Education | Social and Emotional Learning | Graduate Certificate in Applied Educational Neuroscience | Applied Educational Neuroscience Framework
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