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Weekly Educator Brain and Body Wellness Practices
Weekly videos for Teaching during COVID-19 and Educator brain and body wellness practices. RESOURCES>
- Snapshot for Adversity – RTi/MTSS Supports for Children and Adolescents with Significant Adversity and Trauma.
- Sunday Strategy Videos – short videos recapping weekly issues
- Regulation Strategy
- Co-Regulation in the Classroom
- Sunday Strategy!!
- Regulation and connections in the Classroom!!!!
- Preventative Brain Aligned Discipline!
- Touch Points in our Classrooms!!!
- Brain Aligned Bell Work for all Students!!!
- Accommodations for our students who come to school with high ACE’s
- Active Constructive Responding!
- Adversity & Brain Development #1
- Adversity & Brain Development #2
- Adversity & Brain Development #3
- Brain Aligned Strategies-ebook : Addressing the Emotional, Social, and Academic Health of all Students. By Dr. Lori Desautels Assistant Professor College of Education Butler University Spring 2017
- My Brain is fabulous! K-2- A PowerPoint Presentation that teachers can use to teach their Elementary students about their own brains.
A PowerPoint discussion about the book Unwritten
A PowerPoint Presentation by Dr. Lori Desautels on Trauma and the Brain
- Inside Out Movie: Social and Emotional Learning Series for Edutopia
- Re-Thinking School Discipline
- Building Students’ Resilience on the Bus
- Quick Classroom Exercises to Combat Stress
- Creating Safety and Attachment for Students With Trauma
I really appreciate all of these resources! I was at your presentation at the Indiana TESOL conference in November. You showed a brain reflection chart a teacher friend of yours had made. It had pictures of the brain and students could color which part of their brain was working and how they were feeling. You recommended this instead of a behavior chart that just marked good or bad. I was wondering if you could post/share that brain chart. There are so many students would benefit from this instead of the standard behavior chart.